How to welcome 2021 - when you are hesitant about setting goals for this year

So there is this wild thought, but what if 2021 will be your best year yet?
Only imagine!

I know from many conversations with clients, friends, colleagues that there is a resistance to planning this year. It totally makes sense - 2020 has messed with a lot of our plans and no one knows what 2021 will bring. This hesitation is a normal reaction and in case you are one of those people who have not pulled out their calendar to fill it with milestones and timelines then please know that this is ok.

You know that I am all about honoring your feelings and allowing things to be on hold if they need time. But the other half of me wants to lend you a hand as well when you need some extra motivation and guidance.

So here is a thought for you in case you are hesitant to set goals for this year:

Don't be afraid to declare 2021 as your best year yet!

Yes, be brave, bold, courageous when it comes to sending your wishes to the Universe, because…

...what if 2021 is the year you will find clarity?

What if 2021 is the year you will leave your job and pursue a different career?

What if 2021 is the year you will decide to take action and make your dreams a reality?

What if 2021 is the year you will start to be yourself, fully, unapologetically?

What if 2021 is your best year yet?

What if….

What comes up if you read through these questions?

Maybe excitement? Taking a big breath? Your heart beats a bit faster because of all the things that this year could have in stock for you?
Wonderful! Hold on to that feeling and let it guide you through my questions below.

In case you think: but what if I have all those aspirations but things won't work out?

Well, my love. It is simple: then you might have to adjust your goals, find new ways of reaching them, tap into new resources, stretch yourself a bit more.

But you will not let external circumstances stop you from creating the life that you are dreaming of! 

Here are three questions that will help you to open your heart, mind and soul to a prosperous, expansive, wonderful 2021:

  • If everything would go in my favor, what are my wildest dreams for 2021?

  • What specific actions do I have to take to get there?

  • What is my Why, my reasons to pursue this desired state?

If you want support to gain clarity of how your 2021 could look like and what steps you need to take to make this happen (finally!), then please join my first SOUL CIRCLE WORKSHOP in 2021 on January 19th at 18h CET (GMT+1). I will guide you through fun and joyful exercises that will help you to find your direction for this year and give you the tools to feel good while receiving all the beauty 2021 has in stock for you! Exchange: 10 Euro. I would love for you to join! Register here! 

Lots of love,


How to develop a strong mindset (+ five questions that will help you with that!)


The tools you need right now (December 2020)