How to develop a strong mindset (+ five questions that will help you with that!)

What is “mindset”?

Your mindset is the set of thoughts, beliefs, values that you hold. In other words: the filters through which you see the world and the basis of how you approach situations in your life. If you have a strong (=supportive) mindset, you will be able to handle challenges with more ease and move through life with more joy. And don´t worry if you are asking yourself now: “Well, do I have a strong mindset?”, because although a large part of our mindset is formed when we are small children, you hold a lot of power to influence how strong your mindset is and will be! 

… and what is a growth mindset?

In personal development, we tend to not only talk about mindset but distinguish between fixed mindset and growth mindset. A fixed mindset is static, so someone with a fixed mindset is someone whose opinion does not change, who will try to handle a situation with the same approach as always, and give up easier if that will not work. A growth mindset, on the other hand, learns and grows, adapts to new situations, seeks feedback, and sees challenges as an opportunity to acquire new tools.

So why is a strong mindset important?

The truth is: life will throw challenges at you. Be it in your private life or in your career. And particularly when you want to create a life that feels true to YOU, you might have to leave the beaten path and explore the world by yourself. It will be an amazing journey - but challenge you at times as well! The stronger your mindset is, the easier you will move through those challenges - and the more lighthearted can you enjoy the good moments too! With a strong mindset, you will bounce back after a setback, you will stand up after you fell, and you will fiercely keep on creating the life you are dreaming of.

What are the pillars of a strong mindset and how can I strengthen my mindset?

Although there are some lucky ones out there, most people are not born with a strong growth mindset. Remember that our brain is biologically wired to think negatively, see things pessimistically, and always assume the worst? Well, so now you see why developing a positive mindset is work for most of us. Luckily, it´s also a highly fascinating journey and you´ll see results soon. 

If you are starting with mindset work (or want to deepen the work you´ve already done), then focus on the five pillars of a strong mindset mentioned below.

How to use the five questions?

Whenever you are in a situation and realize that your mindset could be more supportive, choose one of the questions stated below. Asking yourself these questions will immediately shift your mindset towards finding a solution, seeing the growth opportunity, or simply making peace with what is.


Start to pay attention to what is going on in your head. The more aware you are of your thoughts and the stories you are telling yourself, the quicker you spot unresourceful thought patterns. Once you´ve detected one, then you can consciously choose thoughts that support you better.

A question to strengthen your mindset:

“Is this thought supporting me right now? If not, what thought would support me?”


One of the most distinct characteristics of a growth mindset is resilience. Regardless of what challenges life throws at you - resilience is what makes you not give up. Understanding that ups and downs are part of life and that negative emotions or situations will happen, but not hold you back, is key here.

A question to strengthen your mindset:

“What can I learn from this?”


This is a big one - and maybe the most important of all pillars! If you want to create a life on your terms, you will need to understand that it is you who is in charge of your actions, thoughts, and ultimately, happiness as well! Taking 100% responsibility for your life and not remaining in victim mode will propeller you forward in everything you do! 

A question to strengthen your mindset:

“What can I do about this right now?”


People with a strong mindset are not allowing challenges to hold them back but taking them as an opportunity to learn, grow, develop a new skill set, ask for support, do things differently. Sounds scary? I bet it sounds exciting too! 

A question to strengthen your mindset:

“What resources do I already have OR need to move through this?


Mindset work can be a very active act - but requires gentleness and passivity too at times. Stopping the fight with unresourceful behavior is one of those things. If you realize that something is not good for you anymore, then stop the battle, don´t waste energy anymore to resist, but start to acquire the tools to think, act, feel better.

A question to strengthen your mindset:

“What behavior/thoughts would help me right now?”

One thing to remember:

As our brain is wired to think “negative”, developing a strong mindset is ongoing, conscious work. Sometimes it`ll be easy, other times you´ll find it hard. So be kind to yourself and do this work with grace. Honor your timing and your process - no need to rush, but gently lean into this journey - one thought at a time.

You´ve got this!
And so much more,


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