How to set a direction for this year (without setting rigid goals)
The beginning of the year is the time of goals, intentions, and plans for the next months to come.
Goals provide a clear direction and set your focus toward something. But goals can be tricky too and are sometimes not the best approach to set a direction for your life and career. So if you are hesitant to set rigid goals and are looking for an alternative to set a direction for the year ahead, then here are five ideas on how you can assure to pursue what matters most to you, without the pressure and inflexibility of rigid goals.

Five things you can do when you want to move forward (but are lacking energy) - October 2022 edition
“I feel exhausted and I don´t even know why! And what worries me most is that I don´t have the energy right now to push things forward”. It´s the third time in only two weeks that I hear this or a similar statement. It does not matter whether you want to leave an unfulfilling job behind, grow your business, or pursue your passion project, if you feel that things are a bit heavier than normal, then this article is for you!

5 strategies when you are unhappy at work (including 3 strategies in case you are not sure about quitting)
Five strategies you can apply if you are unhappy in your job but are not sure if quitting is the right thing to do. This article is to inspire you to look outside the box and explore the options you have. If your job is not the right thing for you anymore, make a plan and quit. But in case this is not possible for you then work with what you have, and adapt what´s possible.

Think like a designer! The Designing Your Life mindset for clarity, purpose, and action!
Designing Your Life offers an amazing toolbox of exercises and activities that will help you find more clarity and direction in your career and life. But there is one crucial component that you´ll need in place if you want to apply those changes to your career and life, and that is a supportive mindset!

Changing your job and the inner critic - what you need to know
“You are really silly to think that this idea would work out!” or “And if you fail? How will you pay your bills then?!” sounds familiar? These are two typical examples of the inner critic. This nasty voice in your head gets particularly annoying when you are about to make a change in your life or career. So let´s have a closer look at your inner critic and what you can do if she gets too feisty.

Why quitting your job might not be an option right now (and what you can do about it)
“If you are unhappy at work, then just quit!” is easy to say. But in reality, this step can feel daunting and risky. And sometimes there are reasons why you might not have handed in your resignation yet.

What is coaching (and what is it not?) The complete overview
I am in the self-development industry for more than 10 years. But I sometimes forget that this is not the case for everyone and that there are a lot of questions around coaching, particularly when you have not worked with a coach before and consider hiring one. So here is your complete overview of coaching.

How to define your big vision in life (including one exercise so you can write yours with ease!)
The most draining situation? Knowing that something is wrong - but not knowing what to do to change that. It´s often not a lack of motivation that keeps you stuck, but that you are missing direction in life. So let´s create a vision for your life!

What makes you (un) happy at work? And what can you do if you are unhappy in your job?
More people than ever are unhappy in their job and the global pandemic pushed this development. But what makes you happy at work? What factors motivate you? And what can you do to feel more fulfilled and happy in your job?

How to make better decisions in your career and life? The Designing Your Life decision-making process
When you want to change your career, choose a new job, or create a different life, you´ll face a lot of decisions. But why is decision-making so hard? And what can you do to make better decisions in your career and life?

How to find direction and your compass in life (when everything feels unclear)
When my clients discover their values, they suddenly understand what drives their motivation, what makes them like or dislike certain things, and what they have to do to feel happy, free, and fulfilled.
So let´s talk about values and how you can use them to find clarity and direction, and create a (work) life that make you happy too!

What is Designing Your Life and how can it help you find clarity and the right career?
Designing Your Life (or DYL) is a set of tools and a certain mindset centered around the question: “How can I find a purposeful career for me and start creating a life that feels fulfilling?”.

Searching for your path in life? Stop looking for your passion and do this instead!
So if you too are searching your path in life, if you are too wanting to discover your passion, then this is for you! Because maybe things are easier than you might think now! Stop looking for your passion and do this instead!

What your goals are really about (you might be surprised)
If you want to change your life, learn something new, cultivate better habits, then there is one thing that you´ll need to have in place: a goal. But often, goals serve as placeholders for something way deeper.

Are you really feeling lost (or could this be something else)?
Feeling lost? Not sure what to do with your life? What if I told you that this could be a sign that you are not taking your dreams seriously enough? How to find out and what to do about it here.

One easy technique to turn fear into a powerful ally
Fear is the number one reason that holds people back from going after their dreams and create the life they desire. But there is one simple technique to turn fear from a threat into a powerful ally.

Trapped in a thought spiral? This tool will help
When you are trapped in one of those thought spirals, when everything feels entangled and connected, and you don't know where to start and how to move forward, then use this tool to move out of overwhelm and back into action: separate the what from the how!

What if finding your purpose was easy?
There is a certain obsession in the coaching and self-development world with PURPOSE, which creates a lot of pressure. But what if finding your purpose in life was actually quite easy? Here are three ideas for you.

How to find a fulfilling career (three approaches)
Do you feel lost in your career? Stuck in a career that is just not for you anymore but unsure about where to start and how to make a change happen? There are three things that you can do to gain more clarity about what you want in your professional life, spark new motivation in your current job, and start to take action to step into a career that feels more aligned.

Three questions to start your week with intention (particularly helpful when you feel a bit lost)
Mondays are a fresh start, a blank slate, and a great opportunity to set the tone for the whole week! But particularly when you feel lost and not sure about your direction in life, it can be hard to start a new week with enthusiasm. Here are three questions that will help you to start your week with intention!