Episode 9: 5 self-development platitudes put to the test

A few words: I am not sure yet what the best format is to make our (German) podcast accessible to everyone. This rough summary is the first attempt. It might change with time or when I find another way of sharing episodes with you. 

Hello in episode 9 of Zwei Coaches quatschen! Today we talk about self-development platitudes and myths - and get to the bottom of them! Are these just nonsense, or is there something to it? We'll find out in this episode!

These are the myths we cover:

  • First work, then pleasure

  • A positive mindset is everything!

  • A healthy mind resides in a healthy body

  • Your past does not affect your present and future

  • No pain no gain

Enjoy listening!

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Who is chatting here?

Laura is a Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner and helps purpose-seekers, free-spirits & change-makers to find clarity and start trusting themselves so they can break free from the beaten career path and start living a life of possibilities. This is my online home - say hi!

Eike is a coach and creative based in Hamburg, Germany. She is helping her clients to easily overcome the obstacles on the way to their desired life. Hop over and visit her here


Episode 8: Rest & relaxation