Episode 8: Rest & relaxation

A few words: I am not sure yet what the best format is to make our (German) podcast accessible to everyone. This rough summary is the first attempt. It might change with time or when I find another way of sharing episodes with you. 

Hello to episode 8 of Zwei Coaches quatschen! This episode is the contrast - or the addition! - to our last episode, because today we are talking about rest and relaxation!

That's what we're talking about today:

  • What rest and relaxation actually mean (for us) and why we think that rest is not automatically rest

  • How we bring calm into our life - and what we do when stress takes over!

  • How recovery can look like and why that is a highly individual thing

  • What helps when you think life is passing by (and that you have to work harder to compensate for that!)

  • The connection between relaxation and our belief system - and the role expectations play in this.

Did you like the episode? Then leave us a review and subscribe to the podcast! We look forward to the next episode with you!

Who is chatting here?

Laura is a Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner and helps purpose-seekers, free-spirits & change-makers to find clarity and start trusting themselves so they can break free from the beaten career path and start living a life of possibilities. This is my online home - say hi!

Eike is a coach and creative based in Hamburg, Germany. She is helping her clients to easily overcome the obstacles on the way to their desired life. Hop over and visit her here


Episode 9: 5 self-development platitudes put to the test


Episode 7: How we stay motivated