5 reasons why you don´t change - and one thing you can do about it!

If you are having the feeling that you are trying and doing and pushing and wanting, but nothing is really moving forward, then this is for you.

I´ve seen it many times: smart, capable, great humans who want nothing more than to change their lives, who want a career that feels more aligned, who want to live in a way that is in line with their values, who want to know who they truly are and what their place in this world is, but something seems to hold them back from getting there. Yes, they see small shifts, but something is preventing them from making true change happen. 

So let's talk about the top 5 reasons why you don´t change (even if you try!) - and the one thing you can do about it! 

Reason 1: No direction

If you are lacking direction, you won't move forward. It's like wanting to go on a holiday but now knowing where to go. Finding your direction is the first of all steps - and potentially the hardest once because it feels so big! I mean, what IS your direction in life?! A lot of people get hung up on trying to find their purpose in life or the ONE job that will make them happy, when in fact, smaller questions like: “How do I want to feel” or “What are my values and how can I live by them” can already provide a rough direction to move forward.

Reason 2: You are not ready to do the work

Yes, following your dreams is amazing - but moving through change can be hard work too! If you are leaving the beaten path to do things differently than before you will have to deal with doubts, fears will show up, you will feel alone at times, and perhaps more lost than ever before, and you will ask yourself if this is all worth it. This is all normal - and nothing to worry about too much. But you will have to do the work to move through all of this. Dealing with your fears, letting go of limiting beliefs and unsupportive thought patterns, strengthening your self-trust and self-love, are just some of the tools that will help you along the way.

Reason 3: You don't have a support network

You can change your life on your own - but it will be so much easier if you have the right people around you. People who inspire you, who support you, who believe in you when you don't, people who can show you the way. Lacking a support network is something most of my clients have in common when they start working with me - because it's not easy to find the right people if you are not there yet.

Reason 4: You don't have the tools

We talked already that changing your life can feel like a roller-coaster at times. Mixed feelings and uncertainty are normal side-effects of changing your life. They can feel uncomfortable, but there are tools to move through them. Tools to strengthen your resilience, to develop a healthy relationship with fear, effective goal-setting, managing your energy well, and staying on track. These -and many more things - are something you can learn. These tools are skills you can acquire and use whenever you need them - and make your journey a lot more joyful and fun!

Reason 5: You lack self-trust

Changing your life requires a strong sense of self-trust. At times, you will need to trust yourself, your abilities, your dreams, yourself when no one else does. The bad thing is: if you are lacking self-trust, your journey will feel challenging at times. The good news is: self-trust is something you can learn - and something you will learn with every step you take! 

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Ready for a change? But nothing is really moving?

Do you see some of these reasons in yourself? Don´t worry! We all need to start somewhere and the good news is: all of what you need lies already within you. All you need to change your life you already know. There is only one mindset shift that you will have to make to change it all!

The one thing you will need to do that will make all the difference!

Do you see some of these reasons in yourself? Don´t worry! We all need to start somewhere and the good news is: all of what you need lies already within you. All you need to change your life you already know. There is only one ingredient missing: TAKING RESPONSIBILITY!

The one thing that will change it all is to take responsibility for your life! Whatever you are lacking, whatever you are missing, whatever you feel is not there (yet!), you can get there. You can learn the skills, acquire the tools, you can find people who support you, but for that, you will have to take responsibility for your life.

3 steps to take responsibility for your life:

  • Commit to the change you want to see in your life

  • Start thinking in possibilities

  • Take action

2 prompts that will help you with that:

  • Focus on what you already have (resources, network, skills, knowledge, experience,...)

  • Proactively look for the support you are missing.

1 mantra to support you:

  • If I were to take responsibility for my life right now, what would I do and how could I use what I already have to make this work?

You got this, love!
No doubt!

IF YOU WANT SUPPORT WITH THIS: I have 1:1 Coaching spots available! More info and to book your free intro call: have a look here


Three questions to start your week with intention (particularly helpful when you feel a bit lost)


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