Three questions to start your week with intention (particularly helpful when you feel a bit lost)

Do you love Mondays? I do! Because they are a fresh start, a blank slate, and a great opportunity to set the tone for the whole week! But particularly when you feel lost and not sure about your direction in life, it can be hard to start a new week with enthusiasm. Because: what for? If you are working in a job that you don't like or in a way that is just not you, then the beginning of a new week is nothing more than 5 more days until the weekend and FREEDOM!

But what if there were three simple questions you could use every Monday (and let´s be honest: every other day of the week too!) to set a direction for the days ahead?

Three questions that will help you to gain clarity, move forward, even if you are not sure what the right direction is?

Here they are: three questions for you to start your week with intention (particularly when you feel a bit lost)

Who do I want to be this week?

This question is extremely powerful because it transports you into the future and connects you with the highest vision of yourself - your future self. This gives you the opportunity to identify the character traits, the lifestyle, the job, the friend, family member, coworker, you would love to embody. Once you know that, then show up as that person. Act from that person's perspective and experience how it is to show up as the person you are growing into.

By the way: in case you can retrieve only fractures of who you want to be this week and can't connect to a holistic vision, that is totally fine too! Simply follow the cues you get! 

If there was just one thing I could focus on this week, what would that be?

This is a great question to get very clear on your priorities. It helps you to identify what would really move the needle and really make a difference. So often, we are busy with urgent things or “important” things when in fact, this just reflects a lack of clarity and manifests in the form of procrastination (which ultimately is fear). But as soon as you start to think about what truly matters, it will be easy for you to move into action - and get you closer to your goal,

What am I craving right now?

And because all the work we are doing ultimately serves the goal to feel GOOD, it is important to not forget to feel good in the process too! So what is it that you need right now? Make it a habit to check in regularly with yourself and what your heart, body, mind needs. Once you know that: give it to yourself! Whatever you are craving, make sure to create time and space for it! 

Do you want to start your week with intention?

There are three questions that will help you to set the tone for the week, move you not action, and make sure you are getting closer to your goal.

You got this, lionheart!
And so much more!

Lots of love,

IF YOU WANT SUPPORT WITH THIS: I have 1:1 Coaching spots available! More info and to book your free intro call: have a look here


How to find a fulfilling career (three approaches)


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