One easy technique to turn fear into a powerful ally

“Feal the fear and do it anyway” - for many years, this quote was a guiding thought in my life. And yes, I felt the fear and did it anyway, but I reached a point when I was sick of being afraid all the time - afraid of what might go wrong, afraid of failure, afraid of making a wrong decision.

I knew that I needed another tool to make peace with fear and stop running from it, and when I started to work for the first time with a coach myself we focused on just that: learning how to dance with fear.

And this is such a crucial skill to have because only when fear does not overshadow all your decisions and is in the back of your head whenever you start to dream and imagine and plan, can you find clarity and make happen what you are dreaming of.

And let me tell you: fear (in one of its many forms or the other) is the number one reason that holds people back to go for what they truly want in their lives.

Because I don’t want fear to stop you too, let´s talk about how to turn fear from something that is holding you back into a powerful ally!

Most people don't like fear, they are even afraid of this sensation.
And I get that because fear feels uncomfortable and confrontational.

The two sides of fear

But the thing with fear is that it has two sides to it.

It can either prevent you from living your best life and hold you back from making the changes you want to see in your life or: it can turn into your most powerful ally, your secret weapon, your loyal companion.

And how to make this shift happen is one of the core tools I teach my clients when they start working with me, because nothing is more powerful than knowing how to dance with your fears!

How to turn fear into a powerful ally

The key to turning fear from something threatful into a source of wisdom and support is to lean into your fear and start a dialog with it.

So instead of avoiding it, you invite your fear to the table and start talking with it (yes, that sounds weird, but believe me, it works!).

An easy way to start a dialog with fear is to have fear write a letter to you.

Let fear write down everything it wants you to know.

All  you have to do is to dedicate some time, sit down, and start writing:

Hello { insert your name here }, I am your fear. And this is what I want you to know…

And just write. Don't try to analyze or make sense of the words you receive. Simply let fear talk through you and write down what fear has to say.

It might be only a few sentences, perhaps even just one word, but soon, fear will start to open up and you will enter into a beautiful conversation with it.

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How to dance with fear

Fear always wants to protect you so the key is to start a dialog with your fear, to learn what your fear needs to be by your side.

This will shift it all

Starting a dialog with your fear will shift it all, because suddenly, instead of pushing it away, you reach out your hand and ask: “Fear, what is it that you need?”

Fear always wants to protect you, shield you from harm, so once you listen to what your fear has to say, you can address those concerns, find specific solutions to them.

Instead of hiding from it, you now open your heart and let fear know: I am here for you. Tell me how we can get through this together.

And once you start talking - and listening - your fear will guide you the way, it will point you towards the things that truly matter, it will help you not to forget about your deepest desires.

And this is, my friend, is when the magic happens!

You got this!
And so much more!

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