How to find a fulfilling career (three approaches)

Do you know what I worked on with my first coach?
Finding a career that would fulfill me!

I felt lost in my career and I knew that this was not for me anymore, but at the same time, I also did not know what to do instead. I had no idea of what an alternative career, or even just a different job, could look like for me.

Do you feel the same? Stuck in a career that is just not for you anymore but unsure about where to start and how to make a change happen?

Then this is for you because there are three things that you can do to gain more clarity about what you want in your professional life, spark new motivation in your current job, and start to take action to step into a career that feels more aligned.


A really powerful way to add more fulfillment to your career is to get clear on your VALUES and start aligning your career with that.

If your core values are connection and freedom (like mine) - seek a job that gives you connection and freedom. If you value growth very highly, then make sure to find a career that allows you to grow.

Values are my favorite tool for instant clarity because they help you to identify very quickly what you need in your job and life to feel good. And once you know that, you can then start to take focused action to align your job more with your values. This can be either a career change - or simply some tweaks in your current job so it is more in line with what you truly value. Sometimes, a career change is inevitable, but often it does not require a massive change to add more meaning to what you do, but small, intentional adjustments.

#2 WHAT or HOW

A very simple, yet often overseen approach to gain more clarity around your career is to get clear on what is more important to you: the WHAT or the HOW

  • The WHAT are the “hard facts” of your job - the tasks you do, the position you have, your scope of work.

  • The HOW is the way you work and how your employer operates - for example, the freedom you have in your job, the company culture, your employer's mission

    In other words: some people are thriving if they can work on projects that match their skill set, or if they know that a position allows them to grow and make a career, and others don´t bother so much about the tasks they do, but value flexibility, a team of like-minded people, and a company culture that is in line with what matters to them.

Once you´ve identified what matters most to you, then you can start searching for a job, career, or company that offers you what you are looking for. This knowledge also gives you the flexibility to seek jobs outside the “logical” next career move and identify on a broader level what you need so your career feels fulfilling.

#3 Do something OUTSIDE your job

Doing something that is potentially not even related to your job is a great way of gaining insights into what you need in your job so it feels good AND is something that will very likely spark new motivation in your current job too! This “something” can be a passion project, a side hustle, or volunteer work. Doing your own thing will not only inspire you and give you new impulses, but also information about what excites you, what you enjoy doing - even if that is potentially outside your regular career. And…. you never know where such a side activity will lead to.

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How to find a fulfilling career?

Three things that you can do to gain more clarity about what you want in your professional life, spark new motivation in your current job, and start to take action to step into a career that feels more aligned.

And yes, we are talking about a first-world problem here and I know that you are very aware that this is a very privileged conversation to have, but at the same moment, we just need to acknowledge that work plays such a huge role in our lives that our job and career needs to be fulfilling, at least to a certain extend.

Not sure where to start?

If you still feel a sense of overwhelm and are not sure where to start, then JUST START! It does not matter whether you focus on your values first, ponder over the what or how of your career, or seek a passion project, the important thing is that you do something. Clarity follows action!

And: allow yourself to be WRONG! It's ok in case your side hustle remains a hobby, it is ok in case you realize that only drastic changes will change things, and it is also ok in case you realize that your current job is actually not that bad. At least you've tried and know more now.

You got this!
And so much more!

IF YOU WANT SUPPORT WITH THIS: I have 1:1 Coaching spots available! More info and to book your free intro call: have a look here


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