What if finding your purpose was easy?

There is a certain obsession in the coaching and self-development world with PURPOSE.
It seems like finding your purpose in life is like finding the holy grail, the solution to all of life's questions, the key to instant happiness.

And I totally understand that, because we want to live a meaningful life, we want to know what we are here for on this planet and what our path in life is.

But this expectation also creates a lot of pressure. A lot.
Particularly because so many people connect finding your life's purpose with finding the perfect career.

And yes, our jobs play a massive role in our lives and they have to feel meaningful to a certain extent because we are just spending so many hours at work.

What if finding your purpose was easy?

What if finding your life's purpose was actually not such a complicated thing?!

What if finding your purpose in life was easy?

What if living your purpose has very little to do with finding the perfect career or living a certain lifestyle?!

What if your life's purpose was just being you.

In all your wholesomeness.

With all your dreams and hopes.

And what if living your purpose meant simply expressing all of that in the words you speak, the actions you take, how you spend your time.

In other words: what if your life's purpose was to be happy?

And what if I told you that the key to your happiness LAYS already within you.

Buried under expectations and “shoulds”.

Hidden behind fears and doubts.

And all you had to do was to listen and allow it to be heard and expressed.

How can you do that?

Here are three ideas for you how you can find more happiness - while aligning more and more with your purpose:

#1: Get clear on your values.

Your values are what drives you, they are your direction in life, they determine what makes you happy and what not, what you like and dislike. Living in line with your values is one of the easiest and fastest ways to happiness (and between you and me: living your purpose means living in line with your values!)

Two questions to ask:
What are my values?
How can I align my life more with my values?

#2: Get clear on how you want to feel

This is closely connected to values, but for many people, identifying how they want to feel, feels more tangible than working with values. For this exercise, it´s important that you get very specific. Let´s say you want to feel “happy”: what does that actually mean for you? To feel loved, valued, free, creative, light? Write down how you specifically want to feel.

Two questions to ask
How do I want to feel (like really)?
What can I do so I feel that way more often?

#3 Allow yourself to shine

Have a look at what parts of your personality you don't allow to fully shine. What aspects do you hide or suppress? What IS a part of you, but you neglect? And what would happen if you´d allow this part to come to light?

Two questions to ask
What parts of my personality do I not fully allow to shine?
What would happen if I`d bring these aspects of me to light?

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Finding your purpose is easy

Let´s remove the pressure of “finding your purpose” because in fact, living a purposeful life is quite easy once you know what you need in your life to feel happy. Here are three ideas how you can find out.

And then…

And then you know what to do: take one step at a time to align your life more with your values, do more of the things that make you feel the way you want to feel, and allow all of you to shine.

You got this!
And so much more!

IF YOU WANT SUPPORT WITH LIVING A PURPOSEFUL LIFE: I have 1:1 Coaching spots available! More info and to book your free intro call: have a look here


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