My friend and fellow coach Eike and I launched a podcast and it feels freaking good and pretty exciting!

Listen to honest conversations about life, business, mindset, challenges, and our wins. Our intention is to take you behind the scenes of how it really is to build a life and business on your terms. We hope to inspire you, give you insights, show you more of who we are, and of course, share tips and tools with you that we´ve acquired over the last years and that help us (and our clients!) create the life we are dreaming of.

This podcast is in German - in case you don´t speak German, then scroll down a bit. I´ve got something for you!

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Episode 8: Rest & relaxation
Laura Beyer Laura Beyer

Episode 8: Rest & relaxation

This episode is the contrast - or the addition! - to our last episode, because today we are talking about rest and relaxation!

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Episode 7: How we stay motivated
Laura Beyer Laura Beyer

Episode 7: How we stay motivated

We recorded this episode of “Two Coaches Chatting” on a Monday and chose a matching topic: motivation! What we cover: What helps us to stay on track, the reasons behind procrastination, and what specific steps and tips we take when nothing moves forward.

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Episode 6: 8 Questions for Laura and Eike
Laura Beyer Laura Beyer

Episode 6: 8 Questions for Laura and Eike

This is a very special episode because we share personal things with you! In this episode, Eike and I talk about whether we have a morning routine or not, how we deal with the pandemic, if we have already found our life's purpose (a surprising answer here!), and what we've learned about business and life since we launched this podcast.

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Episode 5: How we took our first steps to create life on our terms
Laura Beyer Laura Beyer

Episode 5: How we took our first steps to create life on our terms

This is the podcast episode I wish I had in my hands when I started to take my first, shy steps onto my path. I was stuck in my corporate career, lacking role-models and asking myself all the time if what I was dreaming of was possible for me, and if yes: what was the first step to take? This is exactly what Eike and I talk about in this episode, so let's dive straight in!

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Episode 4: Boundaries and saying no
Laura Beyer Laura Beyer

Episode 4: Boundaries and saying no

As boundaries are such a big topic for a lot of people out there, Eike and I decided to record a podcast episode on saying no. In this episode, we share how we learned to protect our energy, what shift helps us to say no with more ease, and one powerful technique for better boundary setting.

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Episode 3: Friendships & our support network
Laura Beyer Laura Beyer

Episode 3: Friendships & our support network

Eike and I met almost 6 years ago through a group coaching program when we both were very unhappy in our jobs and craving a network of like-minded people. In this episode, we take you behind the scenes of how we felt in our corporate jobs, how we built our network, and what helped us to create a circle of friends that truly supports us.

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Episode 1: Playground
Laura Beyer Laura Beyer

Episode 1: Playground

Our topic today: PLAYGROUND!

We will talk about why playfulness is so important, what helps us to move into action and how we approach new things in our lives.

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